Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas #2!

After Christmas with Jen's side, we headed up for a week with Seth's side of the family - and SNOW!!!!
The girls in front of Grammy and Grandpa's house - SNOW!!!
It's been a blast watching the girls in the snow and having fun with her cousins. There will be several more snow posts to come!!

Hannah's hand print in the snow

Cailyn's handprints in the snow

Having fun with Uncle Adam
I tell you what, our kids are getting spoiled this year!! They get TWO Christmases, and Hannah gets TWO birthdays!! So, here's round two of the gifts!
"Yay, jammies!!"

Grammy's special Hannah pillow. This side is sage/white genghim, and the other side is dark green with snowmen.

The girls in their matching jammies - and oh so excited about the photo op!

Hannah got a digital camera!!

Dualling Cameras!

Sweet Face, Hannah

Sweet face, Jared

Sweet face, Cailyn


Basha's Mama said...

Somehow that last pic of C reminds me of her mother...

Anonymous said...

What an incredible couple of kiddos! Somehow, I believe, Cailyn will be the one to always lighten the moment! Again, much like her mother LOL

Anonymous said...

LOVE Cailyn's sweet face.