This is a pic of the Charles Bridge in the middle of Prague and Prague Castle behind it. You may recognize this from the first Mission Impossible movie with Tom Cruise, and again in XXX with Vin Diesel...

Prague's famous Astrological clock which tells time and the seasons (solstices)

On the Charles Bridge looking at Prague Castle at night

Random city building. I took this while waiting for my tram.

Czech National Opera House

This is the decor of the Metro's in Prague - one of my favorite shots from my time there

Yes, I know...don't take pictures on the tracks while the tram is actually going by. Typical street with high buildings and a cathedral in sight.

This building was used as barracks for the German forces when they occupied the area during WWII

Another view of the same building...

One of the squares in Prague. In 1945 during the Prague uprising (taking control back from the Germans) this was filled with people and tanks.

One of the strangest things I've ever seen...this is at a massage shop, and is one of the treatments. You put your feet in hot water filled with these fish that suck the bacteria off of your feet. It's supposed to be a holistic cleansing technique. I did not try it, though I have to admit I was very curious!

It is a gorgeous and fascinating city.
they have one those fishy feet things here in Cardiff now, I'm suppose to go with a friend on Saturday! eek!
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