Ok, so there's been several things happening the last couple weeks. Mostly, just trying to maintain life and adjusting to Isaac, so nothing
too major. But, I have a few pics that I'd like to share...enjoy!
Isaac, when not screaming, is already turning into quite the little smiler! This is the best shot of him smiling we have so far...

Face painting is quite popular here. A couple weeks ago we took the kids to the little community fair in Hannah's school where Santa made an appearance. One of our friends painted their faces up for them. Cailyn clearly a butterfly. Hannah...a flower. And not just a little flower on the cheek...a huge flower covering her whole face! (her idea!)

I went up one afternoon to get Cailyn up from her nap and found her at the top of the stairs...

Second tooth has made it's exodus...now Hannah really can sing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!"

And finally, Hannah was in her school play last week where they recounted the story of the Nativity. Hannah and the rest of her class were angels...(the garland she was asked to wear is nice, but our tree doesn't look so good anymore!! Ha!)

what adorable kiddos! Love the expressions in each pic, they speak volumes LOL
How cute are those kids, huh???!!! Great pics, Seth! I smile every time I look at your family photos. They're all great.
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