Whew!! A long couple of days, and Isaac is finally with us! He was born about 10:15p.m. local time by c-section. Everything went great, and Isaac did perfect through everything. It was a long time, basically, because they were trying to give Jen every chance to deliver naturally if possible, and things just didn't happen right. Since her water had broke on Monday night here, there just wasn't any more time they'd risk letting her try for the safety of her and him. Not what she wanted, but all is well. The most important thing is that we have a very healthy baby boy. He's very laid-back so far (only cried for about 10 seconds when he came out and never started up again for a long while!) and took to feeding pretty quickly. The numbers: 7lbs 12oz, 21.5" long. You know that more pictures are on the way, but here's some we got just after he was born. Thanks for your prayers everyone!!
Isaac Edward Deibel

Huge congrats to you all:)
Congratulations you guys!! He is precious!
I can't wait to babysit while you and Jen go out during GOC =]] Congrats!
I can't believe you have a BOY BOY BOY BOY. He is so cute and you guys did great!!! Rest well you two!
HOORAY!!!!! Great job Jen, you look amazing and Isaac is just beautiful!!
I just looked at the pics with Asher, telling him about his new friend, and he smiled SO BIG when we got to the ones with you guys in them. :) So, congratulations from him, too!
P.S. Sorry if this posts twice, apparently Wordpress and Blogger aren't playing nice today.
YEAH!!! Congratulations. hope you have a good couple of days in the hospital, resting and relaxing.
Congratulations again! He is perfect and like others have said, he really resembles Hannah! You look amazing, Jen--happy and relaxed! Lots of love and hugs from the Everetts!
Congratulations! What a precious boy.
Congrats to you all. What a blessing. He is beautiful. We pray Jen's recovery goes well.
Congrats to your beautiful family. Babies are the absolute best!
Kendra, Chip. Ryan, Reagan & Jack Heffelfinger
i've been reading your blog for a while just haven't commented.
congrats! he is so precious! praying for you all as you adjust to the growing fam.
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