Friday, October 22, 2010
Proud dad and an experiment...
Our family went out for a quick meal tonight, which was great...really the first time all 5 of us went somewhere together (other than a quick trip to the doctor yesterday, but we're not counting that!) Well, tonight was just a gorgeous night...the full moon and the crisp clear air after all the rainfall we had today. I went out to take some shots of the moon with the help of the girls, and then I got an idea; I've seen many examples of a photo-technique called "light-painting" and I thought I'd give it a quick try. And what better thing to do than paint my new son's name in lights! It's not the best light painting I've ever seen, but not bad for my first go!

Labels: pictures, family
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hannah and Cailyn come to meet Isaac
Oh, what a GREAT night last night! Hannah and Cailyn were able to come to the hospital last night and visit Isaac for the first time, and boy were they happy!!! Isaac was in great form, and loved meeting his sisters. He really did act like he knew them! Both girls got to hold him, and it was just a great time...the first time our whole family was together! As I combed through all the pictures that were taken, tears have come many times because I am SO incredibly blessed with a wonderful family!
A big thank you also to our friends W & D who have been watching the girls, really since all this started for us Tuesday morning, and they were our photo/video crew for the event...guys, this week has been really amazing with all the help you've given us. We appreciate you so much!!
Anyway...enough talk! How 'bout those pictures!!!! ;)
Hannah seeing him for the first time

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Isaac is here!!!!
Whew!! A long couple of days, and Isaac is finally with us! He was born about 10:15p.m. local time by c-section. Everything went great, and Isaac did perfect through everything. It was a long time, basically, because they were trying to give Jen every chance to deliver naturally if possible, and things just didn't happen right. Since her water had broke on Monday night here, there just wasn't any more time they'd risk letting her try for the safety of her and him. Not what she wanted, but all is well. The most important thing is that we have a very healthy baby boy. He's very laid-back so far (only cried for about 10 seconds when he came out and never started up again for a long while!) and took to feeding pretty quickly. The numbers: 7lbs 12oz, 21.5" long. You know that more pictures are on the way, but here's some we got just after he was born. Thanks for your prayers everyone!!
Isaac Edward Deibel

Labels: pictures, family
Friday, October 8, 2010
Panoramic of the sunset tonight behind our house...
Ok, I know I show a lot of sunsets on here, but what can I say? The colors are awesome, and it's just a gorgeous scene. Tonight, I tried taking a panoramic shot of the sky as seen standing at the back door...hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Little scenery for you...
We've had a group here from the States this week, and it has been great. One of the things I love about time with groups that come is that I usually get a chance to see some neat stuff around our area. Usually, it's places I've seen, but sometimes that one spot you see over and over just has that certain difference that makes it a little "different." Here's one of our favorite spots near our house up in the mountains: it's a beautiful waterfall that isn't always running this much, but with the rains we've had the last few days, the water was really moving.

Monday, October 4, 2010
These walls have ears...
The other day, I went back to the horse-fair I went to last fall. It was a bit different this year, but still fun. Just a day of people showing their horses, buying, selling, and trading all sorts of animals. I didn't too many great pictures, but this one I got of some donkeys was a great moment. I was walking along a bunch of trailers when I looked up and saw this one with just these ears sticking up. I thought it was great, and got this shot...hope you get a kick out of it too!

Labels: pictures, family
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