Just after we got to the city, the girls finished getting ready for the day with the obligatory donning of the face-paint

Cailyn getting ready to watch the parade from behind the barricade...

I loved this old man!

Come on...WHAT parade (especially a St. Patrick's Day parade) would be complete without some Storm Troopers?

Yes, here many people do get into dressing up and stuff. It's fun and people do get into it!

A troupe of kids with a different take on the Irish Flag - each one was carrying a large portion of one of the tri-colors

This is my "Grande Finale." When I heard about this happening, I was so excited! For a special treat for this years' parade, they featured William Wallace's sword! I thought it was so neat to have a piece of history literally walking before us! Everybody now...FREEEEDOOOOOOOOOOM!!!

Storm Troopers FTW!!!
that is so very cool! I can't believe how photogenic Cailyn is...she really knows how to pose!
Hannah is a natural too, they're both adorable in their face paint and green-door background!
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