Hannah gets on...all geared up!

Look at that smile! She loves it...and as you can tell, (Daddy's going to love it too with the steering/push handle built in)

Ok, so Hannah had just ridden down this hill, and Cailyn wanted to also...not a big hill, not going fast. But, it only took a second and a massive whip of the wheel to the left, and down she went...so we've had our first fall. As you can tell, I was too slow...

And, of course, the tears...but we'll be ready to go another day!!!

The first fall off the bike... how sad! Thanks for the pics. Do you ever feel a little bit guilty when you get a great photo like that of one of your girls falling????
Just kidding. We love you guys!
~Daniel and Tiffany
I got a video of Amanda going sideways on her trike too - such fun. :)
Oh wow! This brings back memories of scooping Gabriel up after similar falls, and assuring him that it will be ok and that we love him. The pictures are good.
Great to make us think of how much our loving Father is there to take us in His arms when we fall. Barry and I just found your blog and have enjoyed browsing through it.
Nice to see you guys. God keep blessing!
your friends in Flagstaff,
Barry and Kim
Great Kim! Glad you found us!! We try to post a couple times a week, and we put as much "life" here in it as we can. It really was great to hear from you!
aaww, that's sweet.
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