Well, we survived another Halloween!!
Last year was pretty uneventful, since we were in VA and didn't have any costumey stuff with us. We were probably sick in some form or fashion, too! The 3 years prior to that, we were always at a church fall festival, so this year was our first year to go Trick or Treating!
Hannah: the angel; Cailyn: the princess
Not sure what Cailyn is doing, but she's in such stark contrast to Hannah, it cracks me up!
Sweet sisters playing

This is my attempt at a complete last-minute costume. We found out the day before Halloween that we were expected to dress up. I found this dress (and it's a real dress, not a costume! LOL) on the clearance rack (shocker!) and voila - cave girl was born! Seth went as a baseball player, and somehow managed to avoid having his picture taken!
The hit of the night (other than candy) was our friends' new baby kitten...that poor cat was tortured all night by children under the age of 7!

This is my attempt at a complete last-minute costume. We found out the day before Halloween that we were expected to dress up. I found this dress (and it's a real dress, not a costume! LOL) on the clearance rack (shocker!) and voila - cave girl was born! Seth went as a baseball player, and somehow managed to avoid having his picture taken!
The hit of the night (other than candy) was our friends' new baby kitten...that poor cat was tortured all night by children under the age of 7!
Cailyn doing the cheese puff (aka fake cheeto) dance....I'm right there with ya', babe! I LOVE those things!

We played a bunch of traditional games. Here's Hannah on her first try bobbing for apples!

We played a bunch of traditional games. Here's Hannah on her first try bobbing for apples!

We also played Apple on a String, and a traditional Irish game I'd never heard of. You get three dishes and put water in one, a ring in another and some dirt in the third. Then one person gets blindfolded and the bowls are moved around. The blinded person then picks one bowl. Each one represents a different fate. The water represents travel abroad; the ring is marriage and the dirt is death (though, when the kids played it we said the dirt meant you will either be or marry a farmer LOL). We had a great time hanging out with our friends. It was a great night and we all had a blast...though I think next year I'll just wear my jammies and be a baby for my costume! My hair STILL hurts. :o)
Not sure I don't notice a little 'type casting' going on with those costumes?! You always were the little independent one, just like Pebbles :o) The girls really played out their roles, from the pics...
I recognize that first trick or treat door, too!
Fun times......
I was thinking Pebbles, too! Or Wilma Flintstone. :) Great last-minute costume! The girls look adorable. I am surprised they do Halloween over there--I thought it was just an American thing. I have never lived anywhere else that did trick-or-treating.
I, too, am impressed with your last-minute costume!!! Great pics!
Great shots! Looks like fun was had by all!
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