But the last day on our way to the town we flew out of, we decided to take a huge side-trip and see the Eagle's Nest. I'd always seen pictures of it, and just thought it was one of the neatest places ever built. Since we were so close, we just had to go. The Eagle's Nest was a building the Nazi Party built for Hitler as a 50th birthday present. It was finished in 1939 at the cost of about $200 million. The road to the Eagle's Nest was part of the fun in going...it's a 4 mile long, 13 foot wide road that climbs over 4,000 feet. And of course, the last 250 feet are taken by an elevator built into the mountain. That elevator used to be gold-plated! During WWII, the Eagle's Nest was captured by the 101st Airborne after they had taken the nearby town of Berchtesgaden.
Overall, it was spectacular to say the least. Built on the top of a mountain that sort of juts out into a valley, the view is amazing. The strangest thing was, that big octagonal room that is seen as a place the Hitler visited with his head's of staff and other dignitary, is now a restaurant. That's right...we had coffee and ice cream where Hitler once entertained guests. We thought that to be surreal. Anyway, thanks for looking at our journey of Germany. Here's some pics of our time at the Eagle's Nest.
View from the bottom of the mountain looking up to the Eagle's Nest

Great looking gals!!

Location, location, location

Looking from behind the Eagle's Nest north towards Austria and Germany

THOROUGHLY enjoying the ice cream!!

Once a gathering room, now a cafe

View to the south of a lake nestled in the mountains

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