Today was a momentous day in the Deibel household!!
It was Hannah's first day of school!! She is in the equivalent of Kindergarten, which they call Junior Infants (or, Naoinan Bheaga at Hannah's school since her school is taught all through Gealic).
She was so excited last night as we packed her backpack and talked about which uniform she wanted to wear (she can wear a dress, trousers, or track suit).
Eating breakfast...Due to the excitement mentioned above, she didn't fall asleep until close to 10pm, so she had a bit of a hard time waking up. She ate her entire breakfast like this.
Once I pulled the uniform out, she was wide awake, though!
You can't really tell in these pictures, but her cardigan is a lovely green color. There's no requirement for shoes, so she chose her tennis shoes today (good choice, since it was pouring!)
Modelling her backpack (we would soon find out there are 3 other identical backpacks just in her class!! Good thing I wrote her name on it!) and lunch box. You can't see it, but her lunch box is pink as well and has three Disney princesses on it (her favorite color has now switched from green to pink and purple...though she says she still likes dark green.)
Yippie!!! Time to go!!

One more picture for ol' times' sake

Daddy walking her in the front door

Going into her classroom. You can see her teacher, Ms. Catriona, on the left in the flowered dress. The little girl at the front of the room is Hannah's best friend. No, we're not so nerdy that we were there that early; what you can't see is the line of parents and kids behind us. They drop off and pick up in a single file line everyday.

Hannah went right in and was ready to go. Big hugs for daddy....

By the time we switched the camera around, she had already gotten engrossed in her activity, so Mom had to settle for the back-hug.

"Bye, Mom!" She decided to sit at a completely seperate table from her best friend because there were markers to color with at this table - something she's not usually allowed to use at home!
She did so great today! No apprehension or tears or anything - not even from Hannah! :o) She only goes until 11:00 this week; next week they go until 12:30; and then the third week they start their normal schedule and get out at 2pm. They start at 9:15.
We are so very proud of her! And Cailyn is looking forward to some one on one time with Mommy and Daddy while Hannah's at school, since Cailyn will only be in daycare a couple of days a week now!
Hannah, we love you and we are so proud of you! We are excited to see how you learn and grow this year, and we pray that this year, and those that follow would bring you joy and see you grow to love God more and more and more! We love you!
Ahhh, how sweet!!! Cerys goes on Tuesday 9-3:30. :( I hope I do okay. LOL
Our school's uniform is green and grey too!
Wow, I remember Peter's Junior Infants first day in '01 and Grace's in '02. Can't believe it was that long ago! We've got two middle-schoolers this year--oh my! Can't believe you guys are parents of a junior infant either! My, how time flies! Congrats on the big day to you all.
This is just precious!
In her uniform Hannah looks very reminiscent of Sabrina at that age, especially with the 'European Flare' added to the mix!
What a wonderful day, tell Hannah we are very proud of her, and we look forward to hearing about Cailyn's adventures 'on her own'!
could she BE any cuter????
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