Then, just a couple of days after they left, my (Jen's) parents came for a visit! While it was really great to see them, it was really a working visit. Seth and I had a two week intensive language class, and were unable to find local childcare for the whole time. We were gone from 9-5 everyday for two weeks!! So, Granny and Papa made the sacrifice ;o) to come and watch the girls for us. They got here a few days before class started to give themselves time to get over jet lag and get comfortable with driving - that's right, they drove!! During those days, we were able to enjoy hanging out, enjoy the AMAZING weather, and get out to see some of our favorite spots.
I have not updated before now because the past 2 weeks or so our household has been down with sicky bugs. It all started with Cailyn getting an ear infection. Once she cleared up, me and Hannah came down with a horrible case of tonsilitis (still getting over it!) and all four of us had conjunctivitis - some of us more than once!
So, this post is pretty heavy on the pics, and really only covers the first couple of days they were here. LOL So, more to come as I get the energy to comb through all the pics, resize them, and post them.
Thanks, again, Granny and Papa, for coming all this way to hang out with our kids! It was a great time for all of us, and really helped us both be able to focus on our class.

aw, loved these pictures of the girls. Cailyn's hair is looking long and curly these days! It's crazy how fast they grow up. Hugs to both of them.
Did you know that Sami was a few months old before I realized ABC, Twinkle Star, and Ba-Ba Black Sheep were all the same tune? And I thought I knew a little about music... *lol* Glad you had a fun time and are feeling better!
Hannah is reading?!? Way to go girl!!! Looks like a fun time! Can't wait to see y'all in August!
Yes, it was a wonderful time together, sickness and all :o)
We were so glad we were able to provide a little of the nursing factor before we had to leave. A marathon 23-hour travel day ended our trip, but our souvenirs include a mild case of the same bugs LOL
Well, Granny, we just wanted to be sure you didn't go home empty handed. ;o) LOL
That was very good of your parents to come over to mind the children. Bet they had a great time though. Love the last photo.
You certainly sent us home with full hearts, great memories, and a camera full of pictures! No complaints here! We're just figuring out when we can get back over LOL
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