The last stop on our day trip was the village on Cong. Most Americans know it as the site where much of the John Wayne film "The Quiet Man" was filmed. However, there are tons more things to do and see there than just the uber touristy Quiet Man stuff. So, after a quick re-fuel stop of coffee and tea for the grown ups and water for the kids (no babyccinos here lol) we were off to see the Abbey. (anyone else hear a song from the Wizard of Oz now??) Anyway...
By the time we got there we were all getting a bit tired and munchy, so we didn't spend a ton of time, but we had a blast walking around the abbey gardens enjoying the sunshine that came along while we were there. I'd really love to go back and spend some more time, as I don't think we saw nearly all of it.

(that's for all the Tolkein fans) :o)
This great stone bridge that led across the river to some great walking paths
Seth and the girls exploring the woods
"It's just my size!!"
This was one of the coolest things about the abbey. This little shack is exactly what it looks like - right out in the river. There's a little walkway that connects it to the mainland. The monks wanted to be able to fish w/out having to be subject to the elements, so they built this "fishing shack", complete with an opening in the floor to fish through!
Two roads diverged in a wood...
"Say, Dad, you think we could get some snacks up here or what?"
Our drive home took us by Ashford Castle. It's absoloutely gorgeous and is still used as a hotel today - a quite posh hotel! Several celebreties have had their weddings here.

Seeing this majestic castle with the bold colors of the Irish flag waving proudly seemed a fitting close to a day full of so much culture and history.
I was JUST looking at Ashford Castle online ~ I want to go there :)
I am so glad you are posting again! I love seeing all the pictures and your girls are absolutely gorgeous!
Is that the same castle Tom Cruise and Kate got married in?
hey seth is that a c9 jacket? when you grow up you wanna be just like me huh? p.s. keep workin on that flick.
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