Cailyn has seen Hannah and her friends play dress up countless times and the other day she decided she wanted to get in on the fun. So, after about 15 mintues of trying to put Hannah's dress up dress on by herself she got some help to finally get it on:

(note Hannah in the background playing with a DOG!)

The other day I had cleaned the entire house top to bottom getting ready for another showing (we've had 7 since last Thursday! And for those of you wondering, you continue to show the home until closing in case something happens and the contract falls through) and I had all the bedrooms spotless. Well, Hannah and I had been out in the living room when I realized it was awfully quiet. I went looking for Cailyn and this is what I found:

I can't help but take pictures of them when they sleep. Somehow they show their personalities even in sleep!

This is one of Hannah's favorite games that Daddy started. They hide in the under the covers at the foot of the bed. This day, Hannah was a "burrito baby".
Yes, there was a dog in our house! Our friends went out of town for two weeks and needed someone to watch their dog, Shelby. Our kids LOVED it! I, however, and Shelby will, I fear, never be the same. LOL The dog was great, but she's old and not a huge fan of kids. My kids are young, and huge fans of dogs!! LOL

Cailyn had her 15 month check up recently. She's 24 lbs 2 oz (70th percentile) and 33" tall (98th percentile!!). She is 1/2" taller than Hannah was at 16 months. She has several words now: Mommy, Daddy, yes, puppy, doggy (daw-dee), Shelby (bell-bee, yell-bee, sell-bee), woof woof, bye bye. She talks all day long, and carries on very serious conversations. Most of it, however, is in gibberish. And she lives up to her name meaning of "pure" in that she's 100% committed to whatever she does. She understands a ton, and if you ask her a yes or no question, her whole body gets into her answer. She LOVED having Shelby stay with us, and now the first thing she says when we get home and/or wakes up is "Shelby? Shelby?" And, when we're driving, if we pass the road we turn down to go to church, she points down the road and says, "Daddy!" as she knows that's where Daddy works. She loves her sister, and you can always tell when she gets tired b/c she starts loving on everybody, especially Hannah. Someone commented that she's like a little drunk, "I love you, man!"
Hannah continues to amaze us as well. Her tender heart and sweet spirit are such a blessing to have in the house. We half joke that she's the book smart one and Cailyn is the street smart one. Hannah can spell her first and last name, count to 15, recognize all the letters by sight, and can write any letter dictated to her. She loves "activity" books that are designed for Pre-K instruction and give her practice in writing letters, solving mazes, following patterns, etc.
So, that's the latest on us. I'll try to get a few more pictures up soon.
1 comment:
My first tho't, before I saw your caption on the 'merry-go-round' the bookshelf, was that it reminded me of you and your brother! In fact, we have a few very similar pics --2 little ones climbing in/out of a small desk LOL
Precious times.....
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