So, this morning was the annual Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by our church. We didn't go last year because I was in the hospital having pointless contractions only to be sent home...but that's a different story for a different day...
It was a nice sunny day, a bit breezy, but we had fun....sorry there's so many pictures, but they all came out so great (if I say so myself hehehe) I couldn't leave too many out. They got a bit out of order in the upload, sorry!
Hannah was SOOO excited!!
The eggs that they "hunted"...
After all was said and done, Hannah lined up her egss and put them to sleep...
"Just a LITTLE too much grass.....there, that's better!"
The sweet sisters patronizing their mother with a picture...
Now down to the good stuff!!!
With our friend Amanda, waiting for the fun to begin!
Hannah receiving instructions on the hunt
"I'm ready to go!!"
She's on a mission!!
On the prowl...
Filling up the basket
Cailyn gets in on the action...
She loves those pink eggs!
What a sweet face!

Another sweet face!!

Checking out her loot!
"Hmmm, I wonder what's in this one?"
"I got a LOT!"
"MMMMM, can't wait to get my hands on the candy!"
The best part of Easter Egg Hunts for parents - the CANDY!!
Dreaming of all the fun we'll have doing this again next year!
Boy, this Easter thing was great! Mom and Dad said tomorrow will be even better!!
Fun, fun, fun!! Looks like they enjoyed their hunt! The pictures are precious and you can never post too many!: ) Thanks for sharing!
Hannah is getting so big - the "on the mission picture" made me take a double take. They aren't supposed to grow up this quickly (and yet there are days we pray for it to be quicker). One day I'll ba back at work so we can chat again. :) C looks so sweet in that last pic too!
They are sooo cute! They look so precious in the sleeping pics...and in the other ones too. :) Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
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