I enjoyed Easter this year more than I have in a long time, and I'm sure its because this is the first year Hannah has really been able to dialogue at all about the real meaning of the holiday and we really had fun.
I (Jen) decided to try something I heard about a long time ago (my mom may have even done this with us as kids, but I can't remember....sorry, Mom LOL) and I've been waiting for Hannah to be old enough for us to do it with her. Its called "Empty Tomb Cookies". You make meringue cookies and each ingredient represents a part of the Easter story and you read Scriptures that correspond to each element. Hannah loved standing on the big chair and helping me crush the pecans, pour in the vinegar and egg whites, sampling the sugar, etc. She wasn't too keen on the mixer, but she was happy to help me hold it. After you blend them up, you put it in spoonfuls onto wax paper and put them in a hot oven and let them sit over night (you turn the oven off first). The kids put tape over the edge of the oven to "seal" the tomb and in the morning you break the seal and open a cookie and they're hollow inside b/c Jesus is alive!!! Well...that's how it works in theory anyway!! Our cookies never really meringued....but I think the recipe had me do stuff in the wrong order. But we had fun anyway and Hannah ran in to church that morning and yelled to Daddy, "Jesus is alive!!"
We went to some friend's house for lunch after church and that was a really refreshing time for all of us, despite the fact that b/t our two families there were 6 girls under the age of 7!! But these are some of our closest friends and we'd not really spent time with them in awhile, and I think it was a great time together that we all needed!
So, without further adue (or adoo, or however you spell it), onto the pictures!!! (some of my favorite pics ever of teh girls are in these!!)
I (Jen) decided to try something I heard about a long time ago (my mom may have even done this with us as kids, but I can't remember....sorry, Mom LOL) and I've been waiting for Hannah to be old enough for us to do it with her. Its called "Empty Tomb Cookies". You make meringue cookies and each ingredient represents a part of the Easter story and you read Scriptures that correspond to each element. Hannah loved standing on the big chair and helping me crush the pecans, pour in the vinegar and egg whites, sampling the sugar, etc. She wasn't too keen on the mixer, but she was happy to help me hold it. After you blend them up, you put it in spoonfuls onto wax paper and put them in a hot oven and let them sit over night (you turn the oven off first). The kids put tape over the edge of the oven to "seal" the tomb and in the morning you break the seal and open a cookie and they're hollow inside b/c Jesus is alive!!! Well...that's how it works in theory anyway!! Our cookies never really meringued....but I think the recipe had me do stuff in the wrong order. But we had fun anyway and Hannah ran in to church that morning and yelled to Daddy, "Jesus is alive!!"
We went to some friend's house for lunch after church and that was a really refreshing time for all of us, despite the fact that b/t our two families there were 6 girls under the age of 7!! But these are some of our closest friends and we'd not really spent time with them in awhile, and I think it was a great time together that we all needed!
So, without further adue (or adoo, or however you spell it), onto the pictures!!! (some of my favorite pics ever of teh girls are in these!!)

More sugar!