Well, we had a couple of breakthroughs today in Cailyn's life. First of all - she took a paci!!! Several times today, she accepted a pacifier and kept it in her mouth! She even kept it in her mouth about 20 mintues while I shopped around Target! This is HUGE!!! Other than one particular teether toy, she does not put ANYTHING in her mouth unless it has skin on it. She doesn't gum or mouth her toys or anything! Also, this is the first time she's accepted a pacifier since she was about 10 weeks old w/out screaming like we were skinning her alive! This bolsters my hopes that we can eventually get her to take a bottle...I'd like to start with one a day. So, I decided to give it a try today....she'd have none of it with me. I tried giving her formula with a syringe, but she seems to hate the taste. That is until Hannah got involved! I don't know how much (if any) she drank, but she had more fun with sister holding that bottle than Mommy!!
We also put Cailyn in her big girl high chair for the first time. I remember thinking Hannah looked so small when we put her in her high chair for the first time (which wasn't until she was almost 9 months old!) and Cailyn just seemed so big and grown up! I've included pics of the days events (haven't caught a pic with the paci just yet, though) and even added one of Hannah on her first day in the chair. Keep in mind, Cailyn is 4 days away from 6 months old and Hannah was a week away from 9 months old in the pic!!

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