Here is what our day looked like around the Deibel house today:

Hannah started running a high fever last night, so she stayed home from school today with a fever and sore throat. It's so sad when any of our kids our sick, but it tugs especially hard at my heartstrings when it's Hannah. She's normally such a happy, boisterous kid. But when she's sick, she gets so lethargic and just lays there with her rosy cheeks. :(
Cailyn was pretty subdued today as well, and spent a good portion of the afternoon after school playing on Daddy's iPhone (which is way cooler, by the way, than Mommys [read: used to be Daddy's] first-gen iPod Touch).
Isaac is working on his next two teeth pretty hard core. He was up for the day nearly 2 hours earlier than ususal, so was just off form for the rest of the day. My usually happy, smiley, giggly baby was really fussy, and not wanting to be put down or to play on his own at all. He needed some extra snuggles.
But the days wasn't all sad and gloom. We had a few glimpses of our smiley boy:

And Cailyn, Isaac and I met some friends down at the playground for awhile before dinner to enjoy the first sunny, non-windy day in weeks.
So, there you go, folks. A glimpse into our Monday...