Her birthday was last week actually, but really she's had it pretty good this year. A few posts ago, I showed some pics of the 1st birthday party she got to have while we were in Arizona with our families. Then there were different days of opening presents with family. So, once her actual birthday came around, we had a nice small celebration. But overall, she had a pretty good day. Her friends at school had made a card, and she got to go to a story time at a local library. That portion actually has a funny part to it:
If you've seen the movie, "The Italian Job" there's a part where the computer tech guy wants to be referred to as "The Napster" and won't do anything until he is called by that name. Well, Cailyn had similar thing that day. When Jen was introducing her to the other moms at the story time and they would as her her name, her reply was, "Birthday Girl." LOL! It was really the first time she's made that much of her birthday! It was so sweet to watch and it was a great day. Here's some pictures of her with her cake (as usual, crafted by Jen!)
The request this year was a Tinkerbell cake. Pretty good, huh??

Blowing out the candles

I asked her which piece she wanted. Of course, she wanted Tinkerbell. So...I cut her out!!

...and she couldn't wait for a bite

I was reminded that I never posted a picture of Hannah's cake earlier in the year...another masterpiece by Jen