Sorry these are so late! Saturday ended up being a GREAT day! This year we decided to give Hannah her first "friend" birthday party at a local haunt that is just incredibly popular with all the local children. It's called Monkey Business, and for months, Hannah's been asking to go there. So, we invited about 10 of her friends from school, including a couple of their siblings that are Cailyn's age. It's a great place...basically a warehouse that has just TONS of bouncy houses, and climbing cages like you've seen in Mc'Ds or something...just a whole lot bigger. We had a great day, and Hannah had a GREAT time celebrating with her friends, and we had fun hanging out with all the parents, some of whom we hadn't really met yet other than picking Hannah up from school, so it helped us make some great connections. Anyway, here's some pics of the day...
Big 5 year old!!

Fitting picture for "monkey business" don't you think?

Jen has made some great cakes for the girls' birthdays. This year, Hannah asked for a cake with Belle on it, and pink icing. Jen hand-made this cake for her! Great job Jen!!

It took a couple tries, but she got all the candles out!

Cailyn was having a great time all day!