My Dear, Sweet, Tenderhearted Hannah,
From the time we knew we were expecting you, we knew you were going to be extra special. We thought long and hard about what we wanted to name you. Daddy and I both nearly immediately agreed on the name Hannah if you were a girl (incidentally Isaac if you were a boy). Hannah means "God's gracious gift." Little did I know at the time how much you would live up to the meaning of your name! Oh, what a gracious gift from God you are!!
From birth you have been able to make Daddy and I smile and laugh, and see life through different eyes. You have had the capacity to makes others smile by just a look from the time you were born.

Your sweet spirit is such a joy to experience. Daddy and I often remember and chuckle about the time you saw America's Funniest Home Videos for the first time. You were about 2 years old Daddy and I were laughing at the video they had shown and we looked over at you and you were crying! You were so worried about the people in the video who had fallen down, or gotten cake smashed in their face and you felt bad for them. For a long time you didn't like to watch football because you were worried that the players were getting hurt every time they fell down.
Even today, at the ripe old age of 4, your compassion for others shines through. You are friends with every child you meet, no matter their age, gender, religion or language. You genuinely love people and I am so humbled to watch as you care for your friends.
You have such a zest for life and for fun! You remind me daily that life isn't life until its silly and fun! Your songs, stories and imaginary people you come up with bring such joy to our family!

You are a girl who knows what she wants and how she wants to get it! You tend to be the leader among your friends, guiding what is played, how and where. I pray that God continues to develop this wonderful gift of leadership in you. Your insight into others and the world around you amazes me daily. You have a memory of steel - you can remember things you've heard/seen only once verbatim! You are a wonderful dancer and you can sing like an angel! I love to sit and listen to you sing, especially when you think I'm not listening. :o)

Hannah, over the past 4 years, you have taught me how to see and love others the way God sees them - lovingly, compassionately, and for no other reason than who they are. You have reminded me of the need for fun in everyday things. You have redefined my view of love. God has used you to draw me closer to Himself because when I think of having to give you up for the sake of someone else, it breaks my heart and I don't think I could do it. However, that's exactly what God did for us with Christ. I see in you the potential for so much - I see God shaping you into a phenomenal young woman. I see your eyes opening to God and your heart searching for His heart. I hear your love for God in your simple, yet profound prayers. I am so excited to see what God has in store for you this year - and in the years to come! We've been talking a lot lately about God's very special plan for our family, and for you. Oh, how I long and pray that you see His wonderful plan. I pray this year that you would grow even closer to the Lord and that you would understand more fully who He is and what He has done for us through His Son, Jesus.
Hannah Jane, you are an amazing young lady and I am overwhelmed at how fast the past 4 years have gone. I am so proud, humbled and so very blessed to be your mother. I love you, I'm proud of you and I always will.
Hannah Jane, you are an amazing young lady and I am overwhelmed at how fast the past 4 years have gone. I am so proud, humbled and so very blessed to be your mother. I love you, I'm proud of you and I always will.