This past Saturday we had Cailyn's birthday party. It was GREAT! It amazed me how calm I was; I was a basket case and totally overwhelmed at Hannah's 1st birthday party!
Anyway, we had about 25 people here (including us) and had a blast! We did a tea "theme" and had tea pot decorations, tea-themed favors, and a tea pot shaped cake - which I HAVE to thank Kathy at Target for pulling off an AMAZING job!!
Cailyn and Hannah both did great at the party as well! Hannah was a huge helper and was very gracious - she even got a few gifts herself! Cailyn walked around, played with the other kids and sat with several people - which is NOT like her if Mommy is in the building! LOL Hannah has been asking for about a month now, every day, "Mommy, is Cailyn 1 yet?" "Mommy, is it Cailyn's birthday yet?" So she was very excited for it to finally be here - and to finally eat the birthday cake!
So, enjoy the pics and if you haven't seen the post below with the little video/slideshow we did, be sure to check that out as well!
Towards the end of the presents - as time went on there was more and more paper, and children, surrounding me!
I don't know what it is about spaghetti, but both my kids LOVE it! Cailyn's at this weird age/phase. Since she only has 2 teeth (yes, still ONLY 2!!!!), its difficult to feed her because she sees us eating and she wants what we're eating...but we dont' always eat food that is condusive to gumming! And the other morning Hannah and I were both eating Cheerios for breakfast. I had given Cailyn some dry ones on her tray, but she kept making a fuss. Finally I figured out she wanted a spoon, too!!
So, anyway, I always love when we have spaghetti because it always makes for some good pics!
Well, it seems Cailyn changes more than we can keep up! She can now say "Dada" at the right times, as well as Hannah. She CAN say "Mama", but finds it yee-yar-yee-yous when I ask her to say it to shake her head and say emphatically, "DADA!!" She blows kisses to say "I love you" and she is really getting into books. She points to the pictures and bellows, "DA!" Not sure what it means, though I have a feeling that it means a plethora of things.
She's walking really well and is getting more and more adventerous at walking on her own. I've finally gotten her to wear shoes without screaming, so now she's more free to walk when we're out in public - which creates interesting scenarios for mommy!
Her main mode of communication: screaming. She screams/screeches when she's happy. She screams/screeches when she's sad. She screams/screeches when she's angry, bored, tired, excited... and when I say "screech" I'm talking almost dog-whistle caliber. It is soooo shrill its literally painful. We spend 10 minutes of screaming (well, her screaming, me staring at her) trying to get the concept that if she'd sign "please" (which she knows how to do) she can get up on the couch...she finally got it. She's just extrememly stubborn and refusing to change HER way of doing something....I have NO idea where she got THAT from!!
Cailyn LOVES babydolls...well, basically anything with a face. She loves these two soft babies we have. And lately she's starting to imitate grown up behavior (holding a toy phone up to her ear and saying, "IIIIIIIII!"; shaking the toy hair drier at her head; blowing her nose- yes, I said blowing her nose!). She's also starting to "take care" of her dolls:
She also LOVES to play in the bathroom. We never had this issue with Hannah. But Cailyn, she will have all the cabinets cleared out and the toilet paper off the roll in seconds!